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Summer Markets - Why I do Live Events

Summer Markets - Why I do Live Events
It's Friday afternoon in Logan, Utah.  I am set up at the Logan Summerfest annual three day festival featuring art, performers, and food.  The even...

Shopping List: Beehive Soap, Milk, Bread!

Beehive Soap is now available at several Harmons Grocery Store locations in Utah: 7th Street (7800 S 700 E) – large displayCity Creek (downtown SLC...

Harmons Grocery Store AND Beehive Soap

It is with great joy that I announce that Beehive Soap has been accepted by Harmons Grocery Store! Our handcrafted Soaps, Lotion Bars, and Lip Balm...

Beehive Bazaar… one of my favorite things!!

As a handcrafted soapmaker – one of my favorite things to do is to find great boutiques and shows that feature handmade items – and apply to get in...

Farmers Market Season 2011

One of the best ways for me to introduce my product to the public is through Farmers Markets!   This face to face opportunity allows me a moment to...